Sunday, 12 October 2008

Review of Kings Place Performance

Nice review of our Kings Place performance here

" ‘Sound Walk’ was a collaboration between sound artists Tony Whitehead and Matthew Sansom, presented by the Society for the Promotion of New Music. Tony Whitehead had spent a day in and around Kings Cross, keeping a sound diary in which he wrote descriptions of the noises he heard, then honing these descriptions into a poem. Whitehead’s words were projected, verse by verse, onto a screen while we listened to Matthew Sansom’s composition – a soundscape constructed from recordings he had made of the ambient sounds of Kings Cross. This was serious, contemplative work which benefited from being presented in a concert hall: had I encountered it in a gallery or on a CD my attention span might not have been long enough to appreciate it, but sitting in a darkened room, concentrating on the patterns of sounds and words, it was fascinating how things were gradually revealed."

Sunday, 5 October 2008

Score 6 response now online

Its online at Bill Drummond's The 17 website here

Kings Place Text

This text accompanied Mathew Sansom's field recording based composition performed at King's Place yesterday as part of a series of SPNM performances. One audience member described it as the "writing of a rural poet with culture shock"!