Lots of interesting projects and listenings coming up over the next few months.
On 26-27 May I'll be helping people discover the rich and diverse voices of birds on a course for Wildlwise, details here. This year we'll be based at a woodland camp on the edge of Dartmoor.
On 19-20 June I'm participating in the Home and the World Conference at Dartington Hall in Devon. Billed as a creative summit on arts and ecology it "explores existential questions such as: what does it mean to be at home in the world? what does home mean to us? how can we be more aware of our ‘inhabited place’ in the world? why do we all too often fail to understand the impact we have on the world around us?". My contribution is an overnight sit and listen by the River Dart.
Then on Thursday 14 June I'm leading a walk called "The Wood between the Worlds" as part of the forthcoming Topophobia show at Spacex Gallery in Exeter. This will be a mix of story and listening related to the idea of "fear of place" on a night time exploration of Haldon Forest in Devon.